Blog Post

How to Get Your Air Conditioning Ready for Summer

  • By lemaster
  • 16 May, 2018
AC Service, Greensboro, Jamestown & High Point, NC

Follow These 5 Tips!

Now that summer is just around the corner, it’s time to make sure that your air conditioning unit is ready to help you beat the heat. To ensure that it’s more than ready to blast cold air indoors, our team at Dilligence Heating and Air LLC has put together some helpful tips of things you can do at home to make it summer-ready.

  1. Clean/Replace the Filters

    This is ESSENTIAL for not only the well being of your unit but also your family, employees, guests, and others. We suggest that your filters be cleaned/replaced at least twice a year or when the filters are filled with dust. 

  2. Clean the AC Condenser Coils

    Debris can easily get inside the coils of your air conditioning unit, which will clog up the coils and cause you problems. This is why you should have them cleaned during the spring (AKA cooling season). 

  3. Clean and Clear Debris

    From months and months of buildup, your air conditioning unit’s fan blades could be covered in debris and dust. Also, overgrown branches or weeds could be obstructing airflow. Let us clean away all the debris so your unit can function as it’s supposed to. 

  4. Check the Coolant Lines

    Have you noticed there are areas where the insulation is frayed or missing? If so, then we will have to replace it in order to prevent your unit from losing energy. 

  5. Test the Unit

    Turn on your unit to make sure that it is working properly. If there are any problems, please call us!


Dilligence Heating and Air LLC is here to make sure things go right! We do so by providing AC repair, AC replacement, and AC service for home and commercial property owners in Greensboro, High Point, and Jamestown, NC.
By proadAccountId-347882 15 Jul, 2021

 There’s nothing worse than going to turn your air conditioning on during a hot day, and it won’t turn on. Of course, when it happens you’re going to go into panic mode thinking about how you won’t be able to cool your home, or even worse what it could cost you to get it fixed. There is no need to be concerned right away, knowing that there are a few reasons why it might not be turning on. It is not uncommon for this problem to happen, so there are some things you should look for first. A few of those are:

  • A Circuit Breaker Tripped - Circuit breakers were designed to shut off when it is receiving an electricity overload protecting your home from fires. This could be caused by a few different problems. You may be running too many appliances in your home at once, or an appliance is getting old and is consuming more electricity than it normally would. Check your breaker to see if it needs to be reset, and is the reason your air conditioning won’t turn on.
  • Clogged Air Filter - Air filters need to be changed regularly, but unfortunately it is something most people don’t prioritize. A clean air filter will allow for proper airflow through an air conditioner, but when it has been clogged with dirt and debris the air can no longer flow properly. It is important to check your air filters often to be sure they have not been clogged.
  • Your Motor Stopped Working - If you noticed that before your air conditioner wouldn’t turn on it was making noises, there is a good chance it may be your motor. If you find that the issue is the motor, you should look for a knowledgeable and experienced technician to help with the fix instead of replacing the whole unit.
  • Your Thermostat Needs To Be Replaced - Your thermostat is the control panel for your air conditioning unit. Without this, there is no way that it could turn on. If your thermostat needs batteries, is blank, or it is outdated it can cause the unit not to turn on.

Even the most maintained air conditioning units need to be repaired from time to time. Finding an air conditioning company you can trust is important when you start to run into problems. Dilligence Heating, Air Conditioning and Mechanical Solutions serves High Point, NC and the surrounding areas. If you need AC installation, repair, or services we are proud to be your local experts. Give us a call today for more information!


By proadAccountId-347882 20 Nov, 2018
How to Make Sure You're Ready for the Cold
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